如果你有一个月的时间来学习你想学的东西,你会选择学什么? Would you lose yourself in Shakespeare? 你能学习如何创造4D艺术或尝试你的镜头管理全球危机作为未来的世界领袖吗? 也许你会研究幸福的全球十大赌钱排行app,或者探索魔法背后的科学,你的选择.

全球十大赌钱排行app的一月学期为学生提供了沉浸在春季和秋季学期并不总是可用的课程主题的机会. While many students choose to study abroad during J-Term在美国,大多数学生留在校园,在他们选择的学科中学习一门课程.

J-Term courses meet for three hours daily, from 9 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 4 p.m. 这种形式允许学生深入学习他们的课程材料,然后花半天的时间学习, hanging out with friends, or enjoying the Wisconsin winter.

Here’s a look at some of the courses offered on campus during J-Term.

Time, space, and technology are fundamental in contemporary art practice. 本课程将介绍利用技术和人与人之间的交易进行艺术创作的过程, objects, locations, and situations. Through studio assignments, screenings, readings, lectures, discussions, and/or workshops, you’ll be introduced to contemporary time-based art practices. 

Instructor: Professor Jojin Van Winkle, Art

沉浸在美国最受欢迎的饮料之一:啤酒背后的经济学中! 了解整个啤酒行业的结构,从酿酒厂到零售销售. 你将在一个小组中酿造几小批啤酒,以学习酿造的基本技术以及酿造选择如何影响啤酒厂的成本. Additionally, 团体将承担啤酒行业供应链中主要类型公司之一的角色,并探索其角色的经济学. Analyze the market structure of the beer industry, 运用不同的竞争模式,并讨论管理美国酒精生产和分销的监管框架如何影响不同类型的公司.

Instructor: Erik Johnson, Economics

The traditions of Judaism, Christianity, 和伊斯兰教都有关于杰出人物的记载,但对这些记载的解释却截然不同. Examine the Jewish, Christian, 和穆斯林圣经通过比较阅读共同的关键人物. 关于文本分析的历史和现代形式,将分析解释的异同, 特别强调发展宗教传统之间的相互理解和合作. The shared key persons include but will not necessarily be limited to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Solomon, Mary, and Jesus.

Instructor: Professor Fatih Harpci, Religion


Energy, health, counterterrorism, remote sensing, space programs, nuclear proliferation, 许多其他的现代挑战都有技术和科学的维度, 了解这一点对于避免灾难性的政策决定至关重要. Consider the application of physics to these societal challenges.

The material is covered at a level and pace that a future world leader should be able to handle; the emphasis is on the development of physical reasoning skills, and not on detailed, mathematical problem-solving.

Instructor: Professor Kevin Morris, Physics

本课程将以身临其境的方式介绍新兴的心理学“魔术科学”,并特别关注舞台魔术对认知研究的贡献. 通过对心理学世界的实验工作和魔术世界的理论工作的检查,探索魔术师如何利用人类思想的不可靠性. 你会看到各种各样的魔法风格和思想学校通过偶尔来访的著名魔术师和科学家感兴趣的魔术, as well as field trips to magical performance venues.

Instructor: Professor Anthony Barnhart, Psychology

Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow! 本课程将以威廉·莎士比亚的《全球十大赌钱软件app》为重点,包括室内和室外的具体/舞台朗读和阅读散步, memorization and presentation of select scenes, and writing informed by our walks with Lear in the classroom and in the storms.

Instructor: Professor Richard Meier, English

In this course, you’ll be exposed to murder mysteries — in novels, short stories, mini-series, movies, television shows, games, and dinner theater. 阅读和观看几部谋杀悬疑小说,主要是女性作家以女性为主角的作品. 我们的目标是让你探索一系列的谜团以及由此产生的一些心理学概念.

Instructor: Professor Leslie Cameron, Psychology

在《全球十大赌钱软件app》中,全球十大赌钱排行app幸福是一项不可剥夺的权利. Most people say that they want to be happy. What exactly is happiness, and how do we get it? How are suffering and sadness related to happiness?

Examine various theories on what brings happiness and meaning to life. You’ll read several books written on attaining happiness, write about your thoughts on the readings and class discussions, and try various activities described by others as leading to happiness. Possible activities include:

  • Meditation
  • “In-the-moment” activities
  • Improvisational theater
  • Service projects.


Instructor: Professor Ellen Hauser, Women’s and Gender Studies

探讨电影在定义环境问题的社会意识和知识方面的作用. 学生将评估主流电影和纪录片中描述的环境问题的基本概念和事实基础, exploring topics including global climate change, toxicology, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.

Instructor: Professor Tracy Gartner, Environmental Science

In this course, you’ll explore urban communities with mentors in elementary schools, 阅读当前城市教育的问题以及三种具体的城市教学模式, learn about schools as social institutions in urban settings, 直接与导师合作,在当地学校规划和实施基于需求的城市学习体验. 这门课程不遵循标准的J-Term时间表-许多天从早上7点开始.m. and extend past three hours.


Instructor: Professor Katherine Hilson, Sociology